Jim O‘Donnell and Kai Bobbi invite fellow comedians to watch and review movie franchises that arguably went on longer than they should have. Each week will focus on a singular installment of whichever franchise we are covering at that time. You can support the podcast and gain early access to episodes, receive a vote for future franchises, promote yourself/a business/an organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That‘s who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure like/follow @ https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday May 20, 2021
Rocky Balboa with Ryan Clark
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
This week, guest Ryan Clark (he/him) joins us to discuss the 6th installment of the Rocky franchise. It’s like Rocky, but sadder. Do cats like jelly beans? Why was Ron Paul in Kai's math class? Whatever happened to Jim’s headless friend Ralph?
“And that’s why he has nine fingers now.” - Ryan Clark
Follow Ryan @dollarslices and his sketch team @Fevercomedy.la to keep updated on their biweekly shows @Twitch.tv/packtheater / https://linktr.ee/fevercomedy.la
Ryan is also here to remind you to go to the dentist. This could happen to you...
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday May 13, 2021
Rocky V with Droob G. Larkman
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
This week, guest Droob G. Larkman joins us to discuss the 5th installment of the Rocky franchise. It’s like Rocky, but bad. WTF is a Power Lunch? What is the perfect number of cigarettes to smoke in one’s lifetime? What is Jim’s mom’s beef with Mr. Rogers?
"The dead Grandma scene is so overplayed." - Droob G. Larkman
Droob would like to let y'all know that they are currently watching all 40 seasons of Survivor. If you have a lot of free time and kind of like Survivor, Droob welcomes you to join them in this endeavor.
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday May 06, 2021
Rocky IV with Joe Spurlock
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
This week, guest Joe Spurlock (he/him) joins us to discuss Rocky IV. It's like the first movie, but exclusively montages. Is Sylvester Stallone nothing more than an anti-Soviet propagandist? Could this movie have just been an email? Will Kai steal Richard Pryor's grave?
"If you donate $2, I guarantee that's buying me an entire pack of Tastykakes" - Joe Spurlock
You can find Joe on Venmo @joseph-spurlock and on Twitter @DrSpurlock. Also Joe would like you to know about the Errol Morris documentary Wormwood and the 1970s comedian Steve Martin and his autobiography Born Standing Up.
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Rocky III with Sam Abrams and Joe Tuzzi
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
This week, guests Sam Abrams (she/her) and Joe Tuzzi (he/him) joins us to discuss the 3rd installment of the Rocky franchise. It’s like Rocky, but with Mr. T. Why did Johnny Cockstrong attack Joe? What is the line between whimsy and too whimsical? Do angels have Facebook?
"It was mostly offensive, but still fun." - Sam Abrams
"And the security guard just looked at us and goes 'you know you can't do that.' " - Joe Tuzzi
Sam Suggestions: check out the podcast Fair Deal: an Improvised Mediation. "Host Joe Wendrychowicz is joined by different comedians each episode to perform completely improvised mediations inspired by real life disputes." Also keep an eye out for Neil Estate: Property Listing Comedy Show. "Neil Estate is a newly-constructed, property listing comedy panel show, created by Neil Bardhan and Noah Levine." Also, if you like the idea of jewelry in the shape of pizzas and hamburgers, check out Anethum Jewelry on etsy @AnethumJewelry
Joe invites you to Tuzzi Tuesday, live on Twitch @Jtuzzi50, every Tuesday (almost), 8PM EST. "Tuzzi Tuesday is a Late Night Style Talkshow and Podcast hosted by Joe Tuzzi. Joe welcomes a few special guests to talk about life, food, etc... Mostly food probably." Follow on Facebook and Twitter @TuzziTuesday. *available "on all off the podcast things."*
You can support Rotten Treasure to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Rocky II with Elena Hunt
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
This week, guest Elena Hunt (she/her) joins us to discuss the 2nd installment of the Rocky franchise. It’s like Rocky, but he doesn’t lose. Is Jim really just a 1930’s gangster? What is Porn’s full name? Did Amy Poehler murder someone? “Forget dinosaurs. Forget Jesus. I’m there.” - Elena Hunt
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Rocky with Sarah Clemency
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
This week, guest Sarah Clemency (she/her) joins us to discuss the first installment of the Rocky franchise. Who is Shabadoo Boogiewhip? Is Kai stalking Adam Sandler? How did boxing kill Oscar Wilde?
"I'm like, I don't know what to do... I guess I'll stab you?" - Sarah Clemency
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull with Esther Oh
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
This week, guest Esther Oh (she/her) joins us to discuss the 4th installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. It’s like the other ones, but with actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf. How much does Jim remember about 1970? What's the safest way to poke your siblings in the eyes? How long can your survive off of underwear and tires? "I have laughing gas in my breath" - Esther Oh
Esther Promotions: The TV show Alone, British game shows and Youtube videos... The one with the cats and the birds; the hatching birds and the one about cookies. And also music videos (ones that YouTube recommends for her, not you) and also the flash animation Big Bunny. |
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with Dan Higgins
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
This week, guest Dan Higgins (they/he) joins us to discuss the third installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. It’s like the first two movies, but with daddy issues. Are Pizza Bagels a sometime food? What did Kai's high school vanity plate say? What was inside Jim's Jersey Shore mini-fridge? "I'm sufficiently damp but I'm having a good time." - Dan Higgins
To keep up with Dan, follow them on Instagram and Twitch @danontheinternets. Also, keep an eye out for some of their upcoming music on instagram @thefilthymansion.|
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with Joe Gates
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
This week, guest Joe Gates (he/him) joins us to discuss Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It’s like the first movie, but with alligators. What the hell happened to those dancers? How does one obtain a reindeer driver’s license? Is Indiana Jones really just a rip off of Captain Planet?
"Are we still talking about ghosts? Let's talk about ghosts." - Joe Gates
March 28th - 1PM | A Cold Fire Within for Pulp Cthulhu |Twitch: Live From The Apocalypse Twitter: Andrew Mangrenade (@BoomMangrenade) -
Joe will be playing Lord Cecil Davenport in a streamed game of Pulp Cthulhu called A Cold Fire Within. Set in 1935, a missing persons case leads to the discovery of a foul plot that could change time itself and bring about disaster to the world. A cult intent on unleashing the power of the Great Old Ones leaves a trail through the Catskill Mountains and into the very heart of the planet! If you like Indiana Jones, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Mummy, or any larger than life pulp-style adventure this is for you! Strap in for a larger-than-life battle of heroes and horrors that will be sure to fill you with excitement and laughter. While our heroes are fighting to save the world, our players are fighting to save lives as well. This stream is part of our Extra Life Group, Team Lobstar Cult, and the effort to raise over $10,000 for charity. 100% of the donations made to the stream will go to Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC. So join the stream, donate for a great cause, and let’s all be heroes together! |
Follow Extra Life on twitter and twitch @extralife
You can support the podcast to get a vote in future franchises, gain early access to episodes, promote yourself or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasureThursday Mar 11, 2021
Raiders of the Lost Ark with Scott Campbell
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
This week, guest Scott Campbell (he/him) joins us to discuss the first installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. Which musical legend turned Kai queer? Which Muppets would Kai and Jim be? What happens when you put Bill Burr in space? |
"Do not listen to Yellow Brick Road." - Scott Campbell
You can support the podcast to gain early access to episodes, promote yourself, or a business/organization and even get extra episodes. Who knows?! The tier system. That's who. https://www.patreon.com/rottentreasure
Like/Follow/Listen: https://linktr.ee/rottentreasure